Tour operator leaving Sandwich Harbor, picture taken from the top of a dune at the high water mark.

Access to Sandwich harbor is described as tidal. The ocean is eroding the land in the five kilometers leading up to Sandwich harbor. At the high tide mark, the dunes start. These can be a challenge to climb on foot, and is completely inaccessible for a vehicle.

The only way in, is to drive between the low and high tide marks on the beach. At high tide the ocean is lapping at the dunes, and it is very risky to drive. Some daring individuals have made it, by luck or with just the right conditions. However, the cost of not making it is losing your vehicle to the ocean and being stranded 60 kilometers from Walvis Bay. In short, here at Awesome Chapters we are not taking that risk.

In order to ensure the safe access to Sandwich Harbor, we look up the tides, courtesy of Cellstop. It is generally safe to enter three hours before or after low tide, and it generally takes about an hour to get to Sandwich Harbor from Walvis Bay. With this information we pick a suitable pickup time for you.