Truly positive feelings – Week 26 of 2020

Truly positive feelings – Week 26 of 2020

COVID-19 Update, who’s positive?

The pandemic is now well underway in Walvis Bay. They are testing as many people as they can, and are finding around 16 people per day that are testing positive. So far, most of these cases are coming out of Kuisebmond.

This is slightly understandable, as this is the most poor suburb of Walvis Bay, and social distancing is difficult due to crowding and other concerns. For the longest time, it appeared that the people of Kuisebmond were not taking this disease seriously, but in the last week this attitude was seen to change. This is at least one solid positive development.

It's quite positive that there is no COVID-19 here

The lock down has been lifted, and alcohol can now be sold legally again. Although the hours are still restricted, it does provide a welcome relief. The businesses are rejoicing, Walvis Bay is cautiously positive, and now coming back to life.

Schools are soon to open as well, when the whole of Namibia moves to Level 4 on the 6th of July, just before my birthday! This is another positive development, home schooling is tedious. Some restaurants have prematurely been serving alcohol, as they believed that Walvis Bay is on level 4 already, which obviously was not the case.

There is still no tours to speak of, so we are entertaining ourselves in other ways. My mental bubblegum of choice is Vega Strike. As noted on the review of last week, there are still areas of improvement…

Positive contrast!

Vega Strike Update.

A big chunk of the week was spent on Vega Strike. After the glowing review, I played on a bit again. Quite funny is the various alien races that you get to meet. I was doing a few cargo runs, not really caring where I end up, as long as I could combine destinations.

Positive vibes, hopefully someone decides to book?

Before long, I was very deep in Rlaan space. These are insect people. (Think: The Fly) So, all the solar systems are named with a lot of ‘Bzz’ and ‘dds’. Getting out of there was a two hour endeavor, and lots of really staring at the 3D map of the universe that your navigation computer makes as you explore.

The border at Sandwich Harbor

It might make sense to have the full map of the universe available as an upgrade somewhere in the game.. that would be awesome! The code of the game is ancient, but quite hack-able. On my local copy I have already replaced the pointer that was messing me up.

The next project for me is to get some high resolution backgrounds in. The ones currently included are definitely showing their age.

Wikipedia has been around for a while, and it’s known as the encyclopedia that anyone can update. Today I finally registered, and made the first edit. I updated the page on Vega Strike.

Sunset at Blutkoppe