W45 Great camping experience

W45 Great camping experience
Awesome Divider

Camping at Vogelvederberg

The weekend was our camp at Vogelvederberg. As the second full moon of October 2020, it is something called a blue moon. Now, a full moon in the desert is always a nice thing. Always.

A while ago Awesome Chapters started advertising camping trips, and we have had no responses on it yet. Not a single one. This is with incredibly low prices, and our wonderful selves. Surely other people must be doing camping wrong? Who would not want to drive out for a little while and go have a fun night under the stars. Are we missing something?

The decision was made to take two hapless people out for a camp and film it so that we can have PROOF that this is a good idea. 🙂 So, who do we drag along? It can’t be our close friends, as that would appear biased. So, in order to get a couple of people that at least have some similar interests Awesome Chapters decided to run the following ad on Facebook:

The Blue Moon photographic competition video

Throughout October the turnout was meager, but there was enough interest to claim a winner, and so our plans went ahead. Sam Wester and Bernette Louw were absolute treats to have on the camp, and we might go camping again with them just for the hell of it. As serious photographers, the photos of the camp were pretty epic, and was shared on a Google Album

Of course, that’s not the real reason the camp was done… It was to get a video to really capture the spirit of the thing. A lot of footage was taken, and after a few days of editing, the result of the camp were as follows:

The camp at Vogels was AMAZING!

Other videos released during week 45

The Mondesa Youth Opportunities video was finally done. It was made to the exact specifications of the Mondesa Youth Opportunities, with frequent sharing of the test video through WhatsApp for fine tuning.

Mondesa Youth Opportunities video

Express Services corporate video.

This one was a lot of fun to make, as we went out to all the interesting places, and got great amounts of seriously cool footage.

Express Services corporate video

Images posted on Facebook:

The full moon while camping at Vogelvederberg
Second Full Moon of Octoer 2020

There is of course a whole album of all the nice photos of the Vogels camping trip on the internet, but that does not stop the sharing of a few select ones to Facebook directly!

The sunset while camping at Vogelvederberg
Feathery clouds tinted by sunset. “Stairway to Heaven”

These clouds were a total bonus, normally the skies are cloudless and blue. Not that it detracts from camping here at all, it’s just something different.

Road through the dry desert
The winding roads through the desert near Ganab

You can see how dry this part of the world is. The little black spots are grass. Quite interestingly, though, with a bit of rain, this entire place changes into verdant fields of fresh grass almost overnight.

Sunlight on the yellow dry grass at Mirabib
Sunlight cascading through the grass at Mirabib

The grass dies out pretty quickly as there is no regular rain to sustain it. Once it’s dead it first turns yellow and makes for the most beautiful pictures.

The Rostock mountain range
Magnificant Rostock Mountian

After a while the yellow turns grey and the grass slowly disintegrates until there is nothing left except for the barren gravel of the Namib

Beauiful sunset with clouds near Walvis Bay
Nice clouds in the dunes near Walvis Bay

Coulds are a much more common occurrence near Walvis Bay, because there is an interplay of the cold air from the ocean and the hot air from the desert. It also makes the weather notoriously difficult to predict.

Twin Quiver trees at Blutkoppe
Twin Quiver Trees at Blutkoppe

True champions of survival, these plants grow year after year, through droughts and rainy seasons until they are big and strong. These trees are already a few decades old. When camping in this location, one really can get the best of the golden hour and this awesome landscape.