Awesome Inselbergs – Week 32 of 2020

Awesome Inselbergs – Week 32 of 2020

COVID-19 update

To distract from the pandemic, this week we will have some pictures of inselbergs. According to an article, the WHO is having doubts about whether we will eventually win this disease. So far the number of new cases in Windhoek and Swakopmund are increasing every day, with Walvis Bay holding steady at around 50 new cases a day for the week.

This is also the week that a Ammonium Nitrate storage blew up in Beirut, Libanon. Apparently it leveled a large part of this city, and killed a number of people.

The inselberg of Blutkoppe
The caves at Blutkoppe Inselberg

New timing for the blog.

Yes, rather than trying to play catch-up after not writing the blog on a Sunday, I now will try to write it during the week. Hopefully this will mean that the memories are more fresh, and that there will be more detail for you to read.

I have been adding to the blog throughout the week. Today, on this Thursday, I swapped out the MS natural keyboard for a more traditional one. After just a short amount of typing, I am feeling the tops of my hands getting tired, so there may just be something to the more ergonomic keyboard design.

This is a little text to test the cleanliness of the natural keyboard after I deep cleaned it, and now I am testing it for ergonomics to see if it feels more natural than the normal keyboard that I was using yesterday. I feel like I am typing slower on this one, but that might just be because I was typing on a different keyboard for a while now. Still, I feel that my fingers and wrists are more relaxed.

For the win!

The Inselberg of Bogelvederberg
The rocky overhangs at Vogelvederberg

Awesome Chapters stuff

Picked up the mail today, and in among the other mail there is a notice for more vehicle license renewals. It never stops coming, does it?

Pictures for the week

This week the theme was Inselbergs. This particular type of mountain is dotting the area around Walvis Bay. Outwardly, it’s a granite outcropping in a wide open plain. But, that description is so much more boring than what it actually entails.

The mountains, or inselbergs, have long been providing shelter for the San, and these days provide nice locations to go and visit. You can come for a day tour, or, if you have a little more time, and really want to experience the best of Namibia, a camping trip.

Our most famous inselberg, Spitzkoppe
Spitzkoppe from afar
Natural Rock Arch at Spitzkoppe
The Rock Arch at Spitzkoppe
The grassy plains at the Inselberg of Mirabib
View of the grassy plains from the inselberg of Mirabib
The natural rock Arch at Tinkas
The Rock Arch at Tinkas
"Foamy" rocks at Blutkoppe
Foamy rock at Blutkoppe