COVID-19 update
The pandemic has finally started spreading in Walvis Bay in earnest, with 30-50 new cases every day. A quick recovery seems to be getting to be more of a distant prospect every day. Despite this, the economy is still opened, there is just no other way as everyone is hungry and need to work. Business recovery is pretty slow, but at least some businesses are surviving.
Social distancing is finally taking root, and that is a good thing. Most businesses are enforcing a no mask no entry policy, as well as a contact tracing record at the door.
Walvis Bay has finished building their containment facility, too. Here is the article from the Informante. It’s also very nice to see that the various development trusts are feeding the people that they are supposed to take care of. Of course, it could be argued that if they did not they would lose that trust shortly.
Other stuff.
I’m already behind on the next blog. That Vega Strike has been consuming quite a lot of my time. So, without further ado, here are the pictures of the previous week. These images are all from our photo album database, and looking at them for a while is like a kid staring out a window in school.
These pictures do make us miss the fun and freedom of touring around Namibia. Some of the pictures were even taken on movie shoots. Hopefully the entertainment industry’s recovery is at least as fast as the Tourism industry.

So, where does all this extra text come from, then? Well, there is this thing called SEO, and a crucial part of Awesome Chapter’s recovery is to attract international clients. These blog pages are finely crafted to rank highly on certain search terms. For this document, the word is “Recovery” for instance.
The biggest secret to SEO of course they hint at in the courses, but they never have you write it down. The secret is that the search engines are being tuned to emulate what a human might find enjoyable to find online, and return that result. This is just good business sense, as people will want to use your search engine more.
It’s one of the many cognitive biases to think that you might enjoy looking at these images as much as I do. However, I have good memories of these places, and am sure that if you ever came to visit our beautiful country you will have just as good memories.

I mean, just look at these images. I mean, really _look_. There is a reason that the stretch the full width of the page. Maximize this window if you have not already, pick one of these images at random, and look at it while asking yourself: “What would it be like to be there?”
Should you come to Namibia you will really assist in the recovery of the economy of this beautiful country. If you pick us, Awesome Chapters, we will be doubly thankful. As you can see from our home page, we can deal with pretty much any request someone like you might come up with.

We have nearly reached the end of the narrative for this page. According to the formulas, about 600 words is a minimum for an effective page. Also, claim has to be laid on a word. Recovery, recovery, Recovery! Like writing an essay for school, the words at the end here is pure filler, to make a little box go green.
Yes, there are tools for editing web pages that guide you in writing cool content for humans. It’s actually suggesting that I write five times as much as this. For an example of how that looks, check out our Landscapes & Landmarks tour description.