Destination Template – Kuiseb River

The Kuiseb River

Awesome Divider

Why would you come here?

The Kuiseb river offer spectacular views, and is the home of the Topnaar People.

The dry riverbed, typical of the Namib desert in Namibia, forms the Northern Border of the dune sea. The dune sea stretches down South as far as Luderitz, and inland as far East as Sossusvlei. These spectacular dunes contrasts beautifully with the greenery of the river, and makes a stunning backdrop for photographs of the shacks of the Topnaar people.

The Topnaar people, known as #Aionin in their language, live on the banks of the river from Rooikop up to Homeb. The Topnaar are a friendly people, with a very unique lifestyle & history. It is recommended to have a guide with you if you do decide to chat with them

Access to the Kuiseb River is along a graded road that leads between Rooibank and Gobabeb. From Walvis Bay it’s a 20 minute drive to Rooibank along a really well maintained gravel road once you leave the tarred road near Dune 7.

What amenities are available to you?

Infrastructure in the Kuiseb river is quite lacking, with no public toilets or restaurants along the entire stretch of inhabited river. The feeling of desolation is quite strong here, with the flat barren gravel plains landscapes north of the Kuiseb river forming epic scenery.

The houses along the riverbed are privately owned and most owners will be happy to let you use their facilities. There is one small information center near the Gobabeb research station, and well worth a visit. The quiant “Car wash” sign next to the road drew our attention, with neatly laid out parking places, no less.

What is nearby?





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